Here are my latest projects which I'm proud of. Stories I feel important to share.

GIGOLO ENT. (Žigolo s.p.) (2023, Monocomedy)

An educational “Ted talk” where a gigolo decides to share his wisdom with the rest of the world. He shares his biggest secrets on how to impress and seduce women, what they really want, what all men lack, where and why men are wrong and what women actually need in life. He also explains why women and men can never understand each other. But, even Superman has his cryptonite, so what is his?

Gigolo ENT. 2023

Photographed by Rene Knapič

VSE PUNCE MOJGA BRATA (2020-2022, sitcom)

(All of my brothers girlfriends) Our personal project was in our dreams and in our “what if” conversations for a long time and we feel grateful to be finally supported to shoot it. It’s streaming on VOYO since 2020.

Season 2 trailer

JA, CHEF (2020-2025, sitcom)

The greatest part of doing this show are the people around me. The wonderful easy going crew and the talented and professional actors with which we have sooo much fun in front of the camera as well as behind it. The show is a great success streaming on VOYO and I am very happy to be a part of it and to learn and have a blast everytime I shoot. Thanks guys!!!

“Ja, Chef” season 1 outtakes

TOO CLOSE (2020, Play)

Too Close is a call for greater freedom and tolerance, as well as greater honesty and confrontation in interpersonal relationships, because this enables mutual growth and reciprocal inspiration. Changing partners like switching between media devices and different content simply because a relationship has become dull or too challenging does not pay off. Although our lifestyles and movement have been restricted due to the current situation, we can always win more freedom and beauty in the privacy of our own cocoons.

Directed by Jaša Koceli and sharing the stage with the stunning Lea Mihevc. Photos and video by Mankica Kranjec.

BRAKETHROUGH (Preboj) (2019, Feature film)

We filmed Preboj” (“Brakethrough”) during the winter in 2019 and due to the fact we shot it in 12 days we made a hell of a movie based on a true story from WWII. It is based on a book written by a partisan, the commanding officer of the mission and now a well respected member of the community, a fighter for freedom Franc Sever - Franta. I was honoured to be invited to the film by director Dejan Babosek to portray Franta and therefore being a part of the first WWII movie filmed in Slovenia.

Marec 1945. V težki zimi se je na visokogorsko planoto umaknila skupina 500 partizanov, ki jih je obkolila SS divizija z 12 000 vojaki. Po celodnevni krvavi bitki, se jim je v nemogočih razmerah uspelo prebiti skozi obroč na svobodo. To je zgodba preživelih herojev.

PSYCHO (2019, Monodrama)

“Psycho” is based on two seperate texts written by award winning novelist Davorin Lenko, which the director Jaša Koceli has put together into a one-psycho show. Theatre Glej is the producer of this 90 minute long monodrama I perform for an audience of about 45 people. The show is still on I’m performing 5 nights a month in this small but historically very important experimental and contemporary venue.

Igralec: Domen Valič Režiser: Jaša Koceli Avtor besedila: Davorin Lenko Scenograf: Darjan Mihajlović Cerar Kostumografinja: Branka Pavlič Glasbena podoba: Miha Petric Fotografinja: Mankica Kranjec Oblikovanje luči in tehnično vodenje: Grega Mohorčič Izvršna produkcija: Barbara Poček Produkcija: Gledališče Glej Zahvaljujemo se: Nataša Barbara Gračner, Neja Petek, Igor Samobor, Peter Uhan, Mojca Krajnc, Jernej Pristov, Vid Valič, Anina Čargo, Inga Remeta, Eva Mahkovic, Nina Noč, Eva Mlinar, Meta Jesenko, Tery Žeželj, Eva Vrtačič, Mila Peršin, Kaja Svodnik, Lara Tanšek, Anja Krušnik Cirnski, Mariša Milovanović, Melani Mekicar, Lejla Švabič, Kaja Tokuhisa, Barbara Poček. Sens d.o.o. za obleko v predstavi SNG Drama Ljubljana za uporabo fotografij v predstavi UniCasting


"Best Actor 2016" award

Thrilled and happy for the nomination but just plain honoured when I won.


RISK (2018,Short)

A short film directed by Tina Novak is a project I am really proud of. Some festivals are still waiting for us but amongst many nominations so far the film has won Best Short Film at Mindfield Film Festival (Albaquerque) , Best Editing at Top Indie Film Awards (USA) , Best Student Director at LIFFE ( Serbia), Best Cinematography at RUFF (London)and was nominated for Best Short at LGBT Toronto Film Festival (Canada) and Genre Celebretion Film Festival (Tokyo) where I was also nominated for Best Male Lead. It got other nominations at differrent festivals as well.

Trailer for our short film RISK. The film explores relationships between the male and female mind; the way their psyche is impacted by fear and jealousy, and how they respond differently to the same event leads to gender stereotypes being challenged throughout the film. During the first part we are narrated by Jake as he remembers a past evening involving his friend, new flat mate, Lea. The night includes bouts of jealousy and anger as they are joined by Alex - his girlfriend and her best friend. We then revisit the same night in the second part - but this time told from the perspective of Alex...

LIKED (Všečkana) (2015, Short)

“LIKED” was done a couple of years ago and it’s still a strong messagge especially to teenagers about the concequences of irresponsible behaviour on social media. My first time working with director Dražen Štader and talented actress Inja Zalta.

“Liked” is a story about 18-year-old Anja one of those pretty and flirtatious girls whose life and self-image are directed by the number of likes received at social media. Overnight Anja becomes a target of web scandal because someone posted her intimate video clip on the social network. Shot on 2 red epics over 5 shooting days and nights! Produced by: Produkcija Studio, Slovenian Film Centre Directed by: Drazen Stader Writen by: Drazen Stader, Vita Stader Starring: Inja Zalta, Domen Valic, Natasa Barbara Gracner, Barbara Sorcic, Brane Zavrsan, Tadej Koren Smid, Zvezdana Mlakar Dop: Milos Srdic Original music: Davor Herceg Costume: Natasa Lapornik Set designer: Mateja Medvedic Make up: Urska Bizjak Editor: Igor Gajic Sound design: Julij Zornik Colorist: Teo Riznar - Nu Frame for more info about the movie visit:

PRISONER Nr. 3.2.3. (2013, Monocomedy)

This is the show that i’m most proud of. A monocomedy “THE PRISONER nr. 3.2.3.” is a witty and smart story about a guy just before his 30th birthday. The tittle spoiler is intentional cause I’m telling my story from inside of a prison.

Smrtno resna komedija, ki pojasni kako in zakaj je Alojzij Šuštaršič izgubil svobodo in pristal za zapahi. Premiera: 1.3. 2014 Igra: Domen Valič Tekst in režija: Matej Mijatovič Dramaturgija: Nina Šorak

TASTE OF LOVE (Usodno vino) (2015-2017, Drama Series)

My first  TV role was well accepted and along with my other projects, got me the "Best Actor" award in 2016.

Uploaded by Prevedeni Deli Telenovel on 2017-07-29.

DANCE AMORE (2017, Dance show/ Musical)

Dance Amore is  a story about life, love and passion, born in September 2017. The first three shows were sold out and the teaser will show you why.

ABOUT THE PROJECT A company of well renowned Slovenian latin-american and ballroom dancers joined forces over a decade ago to create a unique dance show called The 50s Show. Jurij Batagelj as their director and choreographer put latin-american and ballroom dances onto theatre stages in the form of an inspiring dance show with a story that has never been told before.

SLOVENIA’S GOT TALENT (Seasons 6 and 7)

Hosting the 6th and 7th season of the Sloveina’s Got Talent show was so much fun. Keeps me creative and I’m learnning a lot about doing things the “TV way”.
